
Digital Artist - Photographer


BPM 17


When I started this image in 2022, I was going through a hard time dealing with my thoughts. During a Friday Reset I started to write some words about myself as the base for a new image. It’s an exercise I learned in therapy, to write things and get them out. 

As I began to write, all the words that came to my mind describing me were negative. I knew those words could not all be true – but I still began to believe them. It’s easy for me to get stuck in negativity. So I wanted to know if this is how I seem to the ones that see me clearly. In the middle of the trip I asked my close friend The Cosmic DJ to describe me as he sees me.

“What do you mean?”, he asked me. “Just describe me”, I repeated. He paused, thought deeply, and shared his perspective. I wrote down his words and began to paint, translating his view into my art.

When the mind is racing it’s good to have a friend chimp to give you a reality check. The next day, I asked my son the same question – to describe me as he sees me – and received a similarly positive response. The combined insights led to new images. 

While trying to find yourself you are going to have ups and downs. Sometimes you fall into a pool of negativity, and that’s ok, that’s life. What truly matters is having good people around to help you rise above it. The closest ones to you will help you gain different perspectives.

Go listen to another great playlist by DJ Jim Panse to go with the cover picture.

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